Last update 30/06/24.
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Spring Grove Residents' Association logo
Serving the needs of residents in the
Spring Grove area of Isleworth, UK
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History of Spring Grove Residents’ Association
SGRA past and present
The Association was formed in 1981. We began examining Hounslow Council planning applications which might affect residents. Over the years we have put forward the views of residents regarding numerous developments such as Terminals 4 and 5 and the proposal to develop the land adjoining Osterley Park. We successfully opposed the original development plans for Herbert Place on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site and we supported Campion Concerns over their campaign for an acceptable development of the Campion House site.

For several years we were in contact with the Council and the NHS over the Medical Centre in Thornbury Road. It was part of the original planning application permission in 1998 but was later dropped by the developer, Laing. Construction of the Medical Centre was eventually started in 2000/01 and it was officially opened in June 2005.

Over the years we have responded to many consultations such as the proposed closure of Osterley Library, the future Police and Crime Plan and the Hounslow town centre development plans.

We have lobbied Thames Water on behalf of residents who were affected by overflows of foul sewage and surface water drainage and petitioned LBH to introduce double yellow lines at the junctions of Spring Grove Road with other roads in our area and additional CPZ in Thornbury Road.

Our objectives are to protect and improve the local area, to inform members of any proposed developments which may affect the area and to present the views of the association to relevant organisations.

We are non-political and non-sectarian, our sole aim being to protect the interests of residents in the area.

To join, email or visit our website

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